Welcome to the online home of mauleCo. As a small business we understand the small business ower and the issues
they face trying to compete in today's markets. We know all about needing professional services but not always
having the budget to make it happen. We also understand how those "free" online listings can quickly turn into
margin eaters as transaction fees start to factor in on every sale.
Our concept is simple - we provide a solid, easy to use product that is designed to present your products in a clean
easy to navigate storefront and we do it at a very reasonable cost. There are no hidden fees or confusing contracts.
Introducing TDCart
is an online storefront complete with shopping cart that allows you to easily
build an online store in minutes at a fraction of the overall cost of many online
products. Its straight forward approach makes listing your items fast and easy
and best of all easy for your customers to purchase.
We offer many features that are found on systems costing much more such as multiple themes, suggested items,
and page display options with user editable content.
Easy to own, easy to use online storefronts that can act as a stand alone solution or used to enhance sales
from an existing "brick and mortar" store.
Visit our online demonstration store at: